Throw Hard Son…How Dad?
August 15, 2014
A Pitcher’s Magic Pill to Success
August 30, 2014
Throw Hard Son…How Dad?
August 15, 2014
A Pitcher’s Magic Pill to Success
August 30, 2014

A couple nights ago I was instructing another outstanding student. I’ve been working with him for about 6 or 7 years now. He’s a talented lefty, has great mechanics, throws consistently in the high 80’s, has an outstanding change and curve and understands the mental game; an all around stud! 🙂

He’s preparing to go to North Carolina to go to a showcase where only 18 boys were invited to attend. He wanted to ensure his mechanics were still up to par before the showcase, so he paid me another visit.

I share this brief story of Dallin because I want you to understand a few things that make him an outstanding pitcher.

He knows what he wants and why he wants it: He wants to pitch in college and get his college paid for.

Do you know what you want from Baseball? Are you willing to pay the price it takes to play at the next level?

Dallin writes his goals on paper: no wonder he knows what he wants and why he wants it! Shortly after our lesson I got a text from Dallin with a picture of the things he had written down. This was in bullet point form in his own words so he would remember what we discussed and reviewed. This is what he wrote:

▪ Feet shoulder width apart
▪ Leg lift more in front instead of underneath
▪ Throw with hips first, shoulders rotate after
▪ .KEEP HEAD LEVEL and keep momentum toward home plate (don’t stop at foot strike)

Just as Dallin writes down his goals and studies the game; you to should do the same. In fact, you should have written goals, to do lists and your achievements written down daily.

Take a serious body builder for example:
They know what to eat, when to eat it, how much to eat etc. They have their portion sizes written out and down to a science.
When they go to the gym they write down every exercise they have done, how many reps and how much weight they lift on each exercise. Why do they track their results? So they can see their progress and know what they need to do to improve daily.

What are you doing to improve your pitching? Are you tracking your progress daily with your workouts, bullpens, nutrition etc?

If not, I would encourage you to do so if you want to play at a great college or take your game to a higher level. Playing at those levels requires discipline and a completely different understanding of the game. You’ve got to be a student of the game to win!

If you didn’t take advantage of yesterdays opportunity an get your copies of my pitching grips and mechanics DVD’s now’s your chance! I extended one more day.


Don’t forget: Be a student of the game, write down your goals daily, track your progress and I’ll add this: Believe You Can!

Have a great day!
The Pitching Academy

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